Servant of Desire

Rajani Chandasa

रजनी चण्डास


NAME:Rajani Bhattacharya (stage name Rajani Chandasa)
GENDER:Male (He/Him)
CLASS:Dancer (Primary)
OCCUPATION:Actor, exotic dancer
STATUS:Polyamorous | Looking
ShoppingUptight and rigid attitudes
Being pamperedDishonesty
Physical activityDeadlines


Rajani stands at an ideal height, slightly above some of his Hyurian peers. Acting demands that he keep his physique in top condition and dance assists with that, shaping his body in visible muscle and tone throughout and providing a form he proudly puts on display.Cinnamon hair sits against creamy caramel skin, natural against his often dyed fringe. His eyes pierce a striking shade fluorite in a dramatic contrast. Well-kept body hair decorates throughout, and though he has body piercings his distinguishing marks are few.Outside of his profession Rajani's style is a synergy of casual yet overdone, commonly wearing clothing that accentuate the body and window the skin, complex in design yet simple in execution. He relies on his natural good looks, foregoing things such as makeup when possible, and likes to accessorize with jewelry, mainly neck pieces and rings.


۞ Rajani is faintly attuned to the elements of Fire and Water
۞ Rajani loves dying his fringe to match his ensembles
۞ In his acting, he tends to gravitate towards antagonist and antihero roles, mainly the 'villain' or the 'rebel'
۞ Though many traditional dancers prefer chakrams or discs, Rajani prefers katars and fans
۞ Raj has a tacky taste and loves gaudy aesthetics
۞ Rajani's fighting style is an archaic Thavnairian art that emphasizes a strict use of the lower body only
۞ He is a big fan of costume roleplaying


Deep within the heart of Etheirys where the resonance of the world beats life throughout lies a small village of humble Thavnairian merchants and farmers. Born into poverty, youngest of many mouths to feed, Rajani Chandasa, real name Rajani Bhattacharya, was no stranger to a life of struggle and hard knocks. Though it was the way of his people to follow lessons of love, a dark seed took root in his heart, one that saw the flaunts of wealthy trade princes and magisters and knew there had to be more to life than dirty faces, broken backs, and begging voices.He became obsessed with rising above his beginnings; to Rajani no sacrifice was too great, even if it meant the sacrifice of his humanity. And a day came when the young man was stricken with inspiration in the form of a traveling troupe. The applause that was given to the performers, the gifts, the attention, Rajani wanted what they had and more. And so the path began, one that would lead him to the hells and back, paved in sex, lies, deceit and betrayal, even stained in blood, until he emerged from the other side basking in fame.An unapologetic hedonist and devout practitioner of the ways of Puruṣārtha, Rajani dismisses all that does not revolve around himself albeit money, pleasure, power or influence. And now he sits upon a precipice of change, a contender for his sect's Prophet, one meant to lead their people to a euphoric future. The life he forged for himself seemed bright, but every light casts a shadow, and castles in the sky are doomed to collapse when built on fragile ground...


The Star

A local celebrity of Thavnair extending his reach across the seas, it is very possibly that you may have witnessed one of his performances, whether of theater or dance.

Forger of Fantasies

Though downplayed, Rajani hustles as an escort on the side, considering himself a "romance artist" and specializes in fulfilling anyone's fantasies whatever they may be, claiming that such work is all part of his dedication to bliss.

God of Revelry

Rajani believes that life should be enjoyed to its fullest, and any chance he can get to party he takes. He is often seen wine-and-dining among the upper echelon as well as running wild in various taverns and bars.


COMMON ۞ The Dark Divine

Rajani's criticism of his sect's Prophet has been notoriously outspoken, claiming that theirs is the way of martyrdom, unnecessarily puritan, far from true path to bliss. Though he refutes it in favor of his career, some say that he is waiting to contend for the title himself. Others however say Rajani is merely a lover scorned, his words the result of a not so hidden bitterness and resent.

UNCOMMON ۞ Viral Voracity

Some claim that it is incredulous how this unsuspecting country commoner ascended to fame and fortune as quickly as he did, whispering a web of lies that Raj will neither confirm or deny, allowing it to add to his notoriety. The likely story is of a desperate man willing to do anything for a chance at the spotlight. Another tale is the claim that he has friends in high places that he has no shame in asking for their influence. Others say that the Bhattacharya clan controls the media in Thavnair, sullying reputations of Rajani's competition, rising to fame on the backs of his peers.

RARE ۞ X Rated

Raj's hedonism is no secret; it bleeds into everything he does, including his career in acting, which may not be the fanciful theater performances he claims them to be. Only high society's inner circles are aware of an underground where performance takes on a far more sinful succulence, and it is here where Rajani makes the bulk of his wealth.

Out of Character

۞ I am over 18 and will only engage with players 18 years or older as I consider all of my roleplay to be mature.
۞ Though lore can be interpreted in many ways, I am against extreme lore breaking and it is my right to disengage if the situation gets a little too incredulous.
۞ Rajani does engage in ERP and dark roleplay, but only with prior communication and consent.
۞ Rajani's backstory glosses over darker sexual themes. If at any point my character has made you feel uncomfortable or we breech a touchy topic, please communicate it with me so we can discuss how to move forward.
۞ Rajani is Rajani; Rajani is not me, let's make that clear.
۞ Please do not maim, injure, poison, or apprehend my character without consent.
۞ I roleplay mainly in the evenings in US Standard Time.